The newest school on the Halifax Peninsula since Citadel High School (completed in 2007), the South Peninsula Elementary School will be an innovative piece of architecture that will reinstate a space for the recently demolished LeMarchant St Thomas Elementary School (originally constructed in 1923). For Alumitech, the building will consist of many multi-story curtain walls glazed with a varying combination of coloured tinted panes, in addition to the typical clear glass. A string of 25 single bay curtain walls, fitted with operable windows, each one painted a diffenert colour to achieve a rainbow gradient across the facade of the building. As well, a series of punched windows, vertical sliding windows entrance systems and interior borrowed lites. To manufacture said items, we will be using Alumicor's 2600 Series thermally broken curtain wall, Alumicor 300 series sliders and fixed framing, 5000 series operable phantom windows, as well as T400B thermally broken doors. To infill the openings created, we will be sourcing insulated glazing units from Prelco.